In general, in the State of Ohio, only persons 18 years of age or older are legally capable of consenting to receive medical care. For those younger than 18, the consent of a parent or other person legally responsible for the minor must be obtained. With regard to the situation where a parent cannot be present at the office to give consent to the treatment of a minor, we can provide parent(s) or guardian(s) with a supply of “Consent for Medical Treatment of a Minor Child” forms. However, this form is for established patients only. New minor patients should be accompanied by their parent or guardian when they are being seen by one of our physicians for the first time.
If a parent cannot come to the office with the minor child, but another responsible adult is available to bring the child, this form can be utilized to authorize that adult to consent to treatment of the minor. The parent is requested to complete this form and provide it to the substitute parent who should present the completed form to our office staff upon arrival for the minor’s doctor appointment. This form is not meant to cover all treatment provided to that minor and must be completed each time medical treatment is to be provided to the minor.
As with any general rule, there are limited exceptions when a minor may receive medical care and teatment without prior parental consent. If you have further questions, we can refer you to the appropriate sections of the Ohio Revised Code governing these exceptions.